Tuesday, April 15, 2014

✝ = ♥

Good Friday is just like, 3 days away. Three days. Doesn't that reminds you of something? Jesus conquered death in 3 DAYS. DEATH HAS NO MORE STING because of that 3 days of conquering. Hallelujah.

Good Friday is the day where my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, took my cross, took your cross, bear EVERY sickness and disease, bear EVERY bad and destructible things that could possibly happen to us, and He obeyed the Father. 3 nails were nailed on his hands and feet. There He stood, on that cross. That cross that gave us hope forever. That amazing beautiful exchange that happened on that cross.

SUCH is the love of Jesus and the Father for me. For you. For all of us humans. My words could NEVER be enough to express how MUCH this love the Father has for us all. For the words I use to describe his Love for us, are barely even a fraction of how much He loves us. The cross on Calvary. that cross changes EVERYTHING. With that cross, Jesus took ALL our punishments and sins, and we, in turn, have ALL his righteousness and blessings! Jesus was made a complete mess on that cross, so that today you and I can be made completely WHOLE, in every situation we face in life.

Jesus could have came down from that cross, He is God. He could do everything and anything to stop all those roman soldiers from crucifying Him. But something, something made Him NOT to do all that. Something tells Him that no matter what, no matter HOW painful and HOW difficult it is to carry up this cross of ours, to suffer some excruciating pain on that cross, was WORTH it for us all.

So what made Him do all that for me? For you? For us all?

Love did. That's how much He loves us.

If you ask me how much does Christ love us all? I would say, "Thus much. From His left hand that was stretched out to the maximum He could ever stretched out forth, to His right."

This much, as He was crucified on that cross, for us all.

The Roman soldiers DID NOT murder Jesus. Nobody could ever do that. Jesus lay His life down for us all. And what made Him do all that? Love. Love for you and me did.

The cross = Love.

The came Easter Sunday, the third day where Jesus conquered death and rose again. The Resurrection Sunday. The ground began to shake and the stones were rolled away. Everything. His power of love could NOT be overcome. DEATH has been defeated and FOREVERMORE we shall live, with Him. HALLELUJAH!

Forever Jesus shall be glorified, and magnified. Amen.


This song by Kari Jobe basically summed it up all. I CANNOT watch this video without a tear dropping down from my eyes. SUCH a presence of God and I really love it.


p.s. It restricts you from watching from my blog, but you can watch it on YouTube from the link in the video itself.

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