Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 - What a year it has been.

So the year 2013 is finally coming to an end tonight. Like Wow. Didn't I just talked about all the stuff that I wanna achieve in 2013 like... just a few moments ago? Now it's ENDING!!! AHHH!!! Wow. Time really flies huh. In any case, 2013. Wow. What a year it has been. I mean, there're simply TOO many moments to mention them all here.

SO many ups and SO many downs. I have no idea where to even begin. But you know, as cliche as it sounds, but this is the truth man. Jesus has NEVER left me all the year. And that my friend, is the only constant in my life. Not just for this year, actually. But this year alone, the Lord has been so evident in my life. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I have everything.

I guess the most significant thing that happened to me this year is that...


It's those moment in life where you just cannot WAIT to start work and earn your own money. But i've friends who tell me, in fact, SO MANY OF THEM HAHA, that once you start work, you seriously would miss school-ing and all that. But REALLY. I am a graduate now and I CANNOT wait to start earning my own money. Hah. Till the day I am sick of working... This would go on forever. ;-)

Another significant thing that I have to share is that... You know how my church has this 3 request that we can ask from the Lord in the beginning of the year, for Him to fulfil it by the end of the year? The Lord fulfilled 2 out of 3 of them. :') Well, I certainly believe my God is a God who answers prayer. You might think then, how come He didn't fulfil everything? But I also believe in God's timing, and not our own timing. I believe it WILL eventually come to past. It's not a matter of whether it will or not, but a matter of WHEN it's gonna happen. :) That's my God.

Of cos, just like any other human being, I have my downs too. Moments where I broke down and cry. Moments that made me feel like giving up. Moments of procrastination. Moments of tears. But one thing remains, the Lord's love. and that my friend, is enough to propel every mountains and giants down in our lives.

I don't really do this very often, like sharing the same song/recording again on an entry. But this song really helped me alot, each time I am faithless, each time I feel hopeless. And i hope it'll help you too.

To a better 2014 ahead, I pray, amen. :-)

Be blessed!

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